What’s that you say? Your old pal Logan so called the fact that Josh Holloway is playing a mysterious cowboy on the May 5th Community finale? That’s right, I did. And as proof, here’s a little teaser for you ladies:
TV Guide has more info, the most interesting news being that Josh is huge pals with Chevy and couldn’t wait to work with him again. Of course, I already knew this, however, because most people seem to be under the impression that Chevy is some sort of asshole that nobody likes, I’m sure they’ll find it shocking.
I haven’t really looked into this too much, but Zap2it.com, a website which I wouldn’t normally frequent due to it’s insane amount of pop-ups, is reporting that the upcoming Community paintball 2-part finale is going to be an homage to the Italian western.
It was already nearing my sleepy time when I read they were doing another paintball episode, but to now hear that it’s going to pay tribute to spaghetti westerns is nearly the equivalent of popping some Ambien. Is this not a genre that has been parodied to death already?
I still love the show and think it’s one of the best on TV, but at some point in season 2 they lost track of developing their characters and decided to focus more on outrageous plots. Does anybody recall that Shirley was a business major or that Annie’s life plan was to transfer to a University after two years? If so, maybe you should be writing for Community.
It’s Thursday, which means that it’s time to check in with Community. While we weren’t huge fans of the last episode (I think Ryan pegged it when he described it as seeming somewhat like fan fic), the rest of the web has already moved on and is already abuzz with news of the mid-May season 2 finale.
The cast and crew are promoting it as a “sequel” to the infamous paintball episode, which I find somewhat yawn inducing. Doing more paintball at this point seems too easy. Wake me when it’s over. Oh, what’s that? Lost‘s Josh Holloway is going to be in it as a sexy cowboy? Okay, Community! Ya got me!
Despite the fact that rumors of it’s cancellation are looming, GQ got the Community guys (along with a few other male cast members from shows like Skins that will most likely be on for years to come) together for a quick photo.
And let me just say that this may be the greatest thing I’ve seen all year. I’d like to order thirty prints please, GQ.
Let’s ease into this week shall we? Don’t worry, we’ve got two, count ’em two podcasts coming to you in the next couple days, but until then how about we all enjoy the comedy stylings of Donald Glover talking about the short-lived online campaign to make him the first black Spider-Man.
There is seriously nothing going on today, so let’s check in on that old Critical End! fallback: Community!
In case you haven’t been watching, it’s back from it’s mid-season hiatus and funnier than ever. They’re also returning the show to it’s roots, and moving away from some of the more over-the-top scenarios that they’ve been doing. It was also great to see Chevy have more to do in last Thursday’s Pierce heavy episode. Creator Dan Harmon is promising even more red hot Chevy action in an upcoming episode that features the entire cast visiting Pierce after he ends up in the hospital. Oh, and Entertainment Weekly also has some great news about an upcoming (nerd alert!) Dungeons & Dragons themed ep. Is this the best show on television yet or what, folks?
Anyway, here’s some more Community Season 2 news straight from the cast and crew themselves:
It’s been a while since we’ve talked about Community, which is strange since some weeks I feel we’re contractually obligated to do so. Check out this clip from the upcoming animated episode and share your thoughts.
Despite the fact that they all kind of look like meth heads (I understand that this is a common problem with stop-motion animation), I’m really digging this. They even pegged Chevy’s comic reaction exactly right, which can’t be easy.
The Community animated Christmas episode airs December 9th.
Did you remember to buy your Community season 1 DVD set today? You’ve only got a couple of days to watch all 25 episodes before season 2 premieres on Thursday. Better get to work!
In addition to the first season release, it’s worth noting for all of you Community diehards out there that today is also the release date for the season 1 soundtrack. Unlike most television soundtracks that feature incidental and background music, the Community album is notable for containing every song the cast performed this past season. Tracks of interest include rockin’ party classics like “Pierce You Are a B”, three tracks from Chevy, Troy and Abed’s rendition of “Somewhere Out There”, and the full-length version of The 88’s Community theme. Check out Amazon and iTunes for more info.
Off to watch season 1! Happy Community week, kids!
I’m sure my friends are glad that the Emmys have come and gone, as now they no longer have to hear me talk about what a shame it is that none of the Community cast got nominated. So, what was the cast of the best new show of last season doing instead of sitting in the Emmy audience waiting to hear their name called? Doing car commercials.
But wait! It was no where near as bad as it sounds. I actually rather liked it…or perhaps I was just really in need of a Community fix until the new season starts. See for yourself:
And as not to load this post down with with videos, here’s the links to part two and three on YouTube. New season starts September 23rd!
And I’m with him. I’m mostly posting this because I can’t believe Chevy Chase was at Comic-Con. It’s like all of my loves are converging. In fact I tried to come up with a joke about how Comic-Con could cater further to my specific desires, but I kept coming up with things that already take place at Comic-Con. Doctor Who discussions and playing a lot of video games? Covered.
As we mentioned here, Community is arriving on DVD next month. Here’s a peak at what you can look forward to:
MovieWeb is reporting that we’re going to get outtakes, longer, uncut episodes, AND cast and crew commentary on every episode. That alone should be worth the 35 buck pre-order price on Amazon.
A few hours after posting yesterday’s news about Betty White appearing on the Community season 2 premiere, NBC announced their Fall 2010 schedule. While there’s a few new shows to catch, and the usual must-see-TV crap, the real news here is that you need to go ahead and free up Thursday, September 23rd, as that’s the date Community returns to us.
And while you’re at it, why not keep September 21st free as well? That’s the date Community season 1 hits DVD.
Oh, and since you’re looking at your calender anyway, why not keep October 22nd free too? That’s my birthday.
Okay, well not really…unless you believe Chevy’s line in the clip below…which I don’t…(but how I wish!)
Anyway, the Community finale airs tonight, and while I’m not excited that the writers feel the need to get back to the Jeff/Britta relationship (although it made Entertainment Weekly’s #1 “must” this week), this is a show that we’ve been talking about since the beginning, so I feel somewhat obligated to remind you about it.
Oh, screw it- I just wanted to post a clip of Chevy saying the word “Fletch”. You got me.
With only one episode left in it’s inaugural season, Community has managed to remain at the top of it’s game for over 22 episodes now. It’s also reached a comfortable spot where the writers feel that they can experiment with different types of non-sitcom formats and styles. Such is the case with tonight episode, which producers have promised is basically going to be a 25 minute paintball fight:
So, if you’re still not watching this show: Now is the time.
Listen, I promise I’ll stop talking about Community as soon as it becomes a huge hit and I’m forced to read intensely personal details about the entire casts life in every new issue of People. Until then, if you ever needed a reason to watch it, I give you this nearly perfect comedy moment from the upcoming Halloween episode, featuring Chevy Chase as The Beastmaster. Yes, you read that right.
The only thing that could even come remotely close to topping that? Chevy and Joel insulting each other: