Critical End! Live Blogs the 84th Annual Academy Awards
UPDATE: Another awesome year! Read the recap below for post-Oscar reminiscing.
The fun starts later tonight, folks. Stay tuned to this post.
UPDATE: Another awesome year! Read the recap below for post-Oscar reminiscing.
The fun starts later tonight, folks. Stay tuned to this post.
This Sunday (4PT/7ET on ABC) grand dame of awards shows Billy Crystal returns to the small screen to make us feel like maybe we care about the Oscars still. And it must be working already, because Logan and I are on board for another year of live bloggin’ fun.
How does it work you ask? Don’t worry, you big dumb idiot. It’s easy. When you sit down to watch the awards, make sure you’ve got your laptop (or mobile device!) tuned to this site where you’ll find running commentary by me and Logan for the entirety of the broadcast. Check out the snazzy replays of our 2011, 2010,or 2009 events to get the idea.
Don’t have someone to enjoy the show with? Join us and post your comments! Do have someone to enjoy the show with? Ignore them and hang out with us instead.
I trust you all had a great weekend. Ryan and I spent most of it cleaning out the ol’ “Critical End Podcast Theater” (or, as it’s officially called, “The Tim Burton’s Career Pre-Planet of the Apes Memorial Theater”) in order to get ready for the recording of our big “Best and Worst of 2011” show tonight. Unfortunately, all the imaginary tickets to the event sold out months ago. However, no worries as you’ll be able to download the full show soon enough.
Speaking of sold out events, we’re also proud to announce our annual “Critical End! Oscar Live Blog 2012!” Granted, things may be a bit harder this year as the Oscars had to go and finally get a competent host, but seeing that this is our fourth year of doing this thing, I’m sure we’ve got lots of past zingers built up to please both young and old.
Expect to hear more news about both of these things in the upcoming days!
Oscar host Billy Crystal (with CGI Jack Palance) on the set of "City Slickers 3: Throw Curly From the Train"
Looks like Warner Bros. plans to make some more of those CG shorts to show before their movies. While I take issue with the fact that they’re only playing in front of kids’ flicks instead of the more general films they played with in the Tunes’ heyday, I think this is pretty cool idea.
What’s doubly interesting, though, is that the shorts will take advantage of some old recordings of cartoon legend Mel Blanc to bring his voice back to some of the characters he originated. I’m on board, depending on how it’s handled. If we’re talking about a full-on Blanc performance cobbled together from songs and lines he recorded in the past, that’s great. But if it’s anything like that creepy hologram of Bob Hope from this year’s Oscars, where they used a sound-a-like to grab lines they didn’t have, I’m a lot less enthused.
Either way though, the man is an often unsung entertainment giant, and it’ll be great to see his name on the big screen where it belongs.
[via /Film]
REVIEWED: The King’s Speech. It’s still relevant, okay. PLUS: Bill & Ted & Twitter & Such.
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After the last episode, you were never supposed to listen to this podcast again. Your plan has changed. REVIEWED: The Adjustment Bureau. PLUS: We play a game and fix the Oscars.
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First, a big ol’ thanks from Logan and me for making this year’s Oscar Live Blog our best yet. The snark was flying fast and funny, from us as well as from a record number of commenters. If you spent the night with us, we certainly appreciate it and hope to see you again next year (or perhaps sooner, we’ve always talked about doing more live blog events). If you missed it, check out the full replay here.
Now let’s see how the rest of the net’s feeling this morning:
UPDATE: Another year in the can. Read the transcript of the night’s events below!
UPDATE: And we’re off! Read and comment away!
The fun starts in a half hour, folks! Stay tuned to this space.
Oh yes. It’s back. This Sunday (5PT/8ET on ABC) James Franco and Anne Hathaway will awkwardly tag-team the Oscars, and–for the third year in a row–so will Logan and I.
How does it work you ask? Don’t worry, stupid. It’s easy. When you sit down to watch the awards, make sure you’ve got your laptop (or mobile device!) tuned to this site where you’ll find running commentary by me and Logan for the entirety of the broadcast. Check out the snazzy replays of our 2010 or 2009 events to get the idea.
Don’t have someone to enjoy the show with? Join us and post your comments! Do have someone to enjoy the show with? Ignore them and hang out with us instead.
And if you want a reminder when the live blog gets close, use the handy form below. See ya there!
Welcome back, kids! Long time, no see. Did you enjoy our 2010 wrap-up show? I know we sure did!* Anyway, a lot has happened since we last spoke. Anne Hathaway was cast as Catwoman**, Tom Hardy was cast as Bane***, and it appears that Regis Philbin will be retiring soon****.
However, what the net is most abuzz about are the 2010 Oscar nominations. There really aren’t many surprises this year. I’m glad to see that Christian Bale finally got nominated. I really hope he’ll win so we can watch him accept the Oscar as Batman or John Connor or whoever the hell he thinks he is that week. Meanwhile, I may be the only person in the world who is happy to see that The Wolfman got nominated for Rick Baker’s makeup.
The full list of nominations can be found here. Now is the time to start preparing for the big night by watching the last few minutes of The Naked Gun 33 1/3.
***Who and who?
****There is nothing funny about this. The man is a legend.
That was this episode seducing you. It needs to be the other way around. REVIEWED: Black Swan. PLUS: Minesweeper.
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This episode is ignoring your friend request. REVIEWED: Social Network. PLUS: Fun with zip codes!
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If you’re anything like me or Ryan, you’re still trying to get over Sunday night’s Oscars. Personally, I’m considering therapy. In case you missed it (lucky), I’d love to tell you that there were some highlights, but besides the stunning “tribute” to “horror” and the moment where some crazy honky chick crashed the show, there’s not much to talk about.
Except for this:
Now then, I think it’s rather obvious that the entire thing was just pissing Reeves off, however for some reason MTV has actually made the Internet believe that this may really be happening…which it isn’t…unless it does…which it won’t.
Expect it in 3D this summer.
Sorry for the late post, kids. I’m still reeling from the soul-crushingly bad Oscar telecast last night. Logan and I have discussed it and we’re going to live blog the Westminster Dog Show instead next year.
Anywho, just wanted to do a quick check-in on how we’re feeling about the death reel this year. Like many, I’m wondering why Farrah Fawcett was snubbed, but my real question is whether Michael Jackson deserve to be included. Sure he’s one of the most famous people on Earth and it’s sad that he died. But it was sad when my cat died too, and Lady Scratchmeister didn’t get an Oscar mention. Because she didn’t work in movies.
Say what you want about Farrah, but she had a legit film career that included a Golden Globe nomination. Other than The Wiz, Jackson didn’t really do anything that wasn’t a cameo, music video, or vanity project. Sure, if we’re honoring publicists anyway, throw in MJ while you’re at it. But at the expense of Farrah and Bea Arthur? I don’t get it.