It’s Christmas Time!
It’s nearly Christmas here at the Critical End! HQ. I’m hanging decorations in my best Clark Griswold style, while Ryan is having his usual charitable event, “Make Out with Ryan for 5 Bucks”.*
Anyway, because of the upcoming holiday, we wanted to let you know that this will be something of a short week for the site. No podcast this week, however, we will post one more story tomorrow, most likely something about how rad Chevy Chase is and how lame Judd Apatow is. After that, you’re on your own, Timmy.
We’ll return to the usual schedule the week after Christmas, with our TRON podcast. See you all back here then!
*Reserve your place now! Last year Ryan raised over $5.00 for “Ryan’s Angels”, a charity that helps girls ages 18 to 25 win a dream date with Ryan.
December 21st, 2010 at 7:23 pm
For tax purposes, I’m required to disclose that none of that money goes to charity.