Finally! A Movie Trailer that Doesn’t Scream “MOVIE TRAILER!”

The whole Girl with the Dragon Tattoo phenomenon was one of those things that kind of came and went without me caring.  I heard good buzz about the book and even better buzz about the Swedish films, but I still didn’t really care that much.  Not that I have anything against it, it’s just that I already have a huge stack of both books and movies sitting around my apartment that I need to get to first.

That being said, this trailer really blew me away:

Watching it on a computer monitor really doesn’t do it justice.  In a dark theater with booming speakers, it comes across as a full on assault on the senses.  Yes, I understand that it’s nothing more than a glorified music video of sorts, but I love it when studios realize that the trailer to a film can be so much more than just clips of Adam Sandler getting smacked in the crotch set to bad voice-over.  The upcoming Muppets film did it a few weeks back with their first teaser, and now this.  Keep it up, Hollywood.

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