Robert Rodriguez to Make Another Movie for His Kids

Rodriguez with that guy from "Lord of the Rings"  Wait, Frank Miller?  I mean, Frank Miller.  Sorry.

Rodriguez with that guy from "Lord of the Rings" Wait, Frank Miller? I mean, Frank Miller. Sorry.

Remember when Robert Rodriguez once made awesome movies that involved things like gigantic explosions, casual nudity, guitar cases with guns inside, and Quentin Tarantino’s weiner melting off?  Awesome, right?  Okay, now remember when you paid all that money to see three, count ’em, THREE retarded Spy Kids movies?  I mean, they just kept getting worse, didn’t they?

Well, it would seem that three Spy Kids films weren’t enough to satisfy Rodriguez’s need to entertain nobody but his kids.  Case in point: The trailer for his newest film, Shorts.  I’m starting to think that his trademark cowboy hat may be on a little too tight…that or he’s trying to cover male pattern baldness.  You never know.

4 Responses to “Robert Rodriguez to Make Another Movie for His Kids”

  • Evan Says:

    If you think the first two Spy Kids movies were retarded then clearly you are retarded. (Spy Kids 3D: Game Over, was, however, retarded.)

  • Logan Says:

    Much like hairstyles of my past, calling all of the Spy Kids movies “retarded” was exaggerated for comedic effect. While I do think that the series got worse, the first and second are an easy 6. However, after the third I was really hoping that Rodriguez was past all of that.

  • Olivia! Says:

    Frank Miller looks like a crazy creeeeeeper.

  • Blanket Jackson Says:

    Are you making fun of the name of Robert Rodriguez’s 8th child? Rebel, Rocket, Rouge, Ripper, Racer, Rascal, and Rupee are well adjusted, and I’m sure Retard will be, too.