Feb 10 2011

TRON: Legacy’s Legacy

It’s no secret that we really dug Disney’s TRON: Legacy. Sure, it didn’t make either of our top films of 2010 lists, but it was definitely one of last year’s highlights.

Which brings us to the DVD/Blu-ray release…or I should say, the DVD/Blu-ray/Digital/Blu-ray 3D/DVD+Blu-Ray/DVD+Blu-ray+Digital/DVD+Blu-ray+Digital+Blu-ray 3D/DVD+Blu-ray+TRON release.  That’s right, Disney, known for overkill releasing style, plans to drop a staggering nine versions of TRON: Legacy on home video, two of which will feature a bare bones version of the original TRON.  The only thing missing is a laser disc version.

While I’m all about variety, this is mostly ridiculous.  It would be one thing if you were getting something different on each disc, but how many formats do you really need the same film on?

Although I will admit that this is kinda awesome…

More info on each version over at IGN.

Dec 22 2010

Tron Holiday Special


Merry Festival of the Bells, folks! Like Logan said, it’s a short week. We wanted to get you guys the Tron/Tron Legacy show today, but holiday travel and technical difficulties intervened. We’ll have it for you next Wednesday, and, if all goes well, True Grit the week after that. It’s a Very Jeff Bridges Christmas.

Speaking of, here’s a bit of Tron to tide you over. The well-remembered 1982 Tron Holiday Special from Funny or Die.

[Via Badass Digest]

Apr 6 2010

Fan Appreciation Day!

Here at Critical End! we recognize the importance of the fans.  Hell, we’re fans ourselves!  Who else but Ryan would own a piece of the MST3K film set (I’ve seen it.)?  And who else but myself would own an album of songs recorded by Chevy Chase?  And who else but this guy would build a Bill Paxton pinball machine?  Whoa, wait…what?

Oh, crazy Bill Paxton pinball fan…will you ever learn?  Perhaps not, but no matter how crazy you may think he is, consider your average TRON fan.  Sure, we may all recall that nutty TRON guy from a few years back, but despite popular notion, not all TRON fans are complete losers with no girlfriends lame.  Take for instance the guy who made this amazing modern trailer to the original film.

So, today your pals here at Critical End! would like to salute you, fans!  Sure, some of you may live in your parents basement and smell slightly like old Cheetos, but to us…you’re family.*

*Please stop calling us, you smelly dorks.

Mar 16 2010

Nerd Alert!

With the release of both Tron Legacy and Predators, 2010 is really shaping up to be a nerd’s delight. If you caught the first Legacy trailer before Alice and Wonderland, you already know how many socks it’s mostly likely going to rock off of various nerd feet.  However, little is know about Predators, besides the cast.

Last week at SXSW, producer Robert Rodriguez showed some select footage which has now been posted on the official site. I must say that I’m now even more excited about this. Rodriguez has put together a great cast and it’s clear he’s going to respect the past films as well.

Tron Legacy opens in December while we only have to wait until July for Predators.  Yay!

Dec 9 2009

Bring in the Logic Probe!

Am I the only person excited about a Tron sequel?  Better question: Am I the only person who will pay to see a Tron sequel?  Disney released this teaser poster today which has made me even more excited.



Consider yourself teased.