Apr 15 2011

Star Trek: TNG: XXX


As a casual Star Trek fan, I started watching this SFW trailer for the porn parody out of mild interest. I did not expect to actually be sucked in by the PLOT of a porn. And if you ignore the goofy facial hair and budget Klingon makeup, the production values are actually crazy high! Like, higher than some of the early episodes of the show it’s mimicking. The team was clearly full of Trekkies who put a lot of (hot, steamy) love into their work.

And you’re telling me they get naked too? I AM SO THERE.

[via Wesley Crusher himself, Wil Wheaton]

Feb 16 2010

On screen…


The best part about this video is that you start off thinking Patrick Stewart is going to rail against technology, but he ends up composing his own very personal love letter to it.  Take the two minutes, it’s supremely satisfying.

May 25 2009

Critical End! (The Podcast) #15: Aunt Jemima’s Infinite Madness


Another summer of reboots, remakes, and sequels begins here. Same old concepts, prettier actors. REVIEWED: Star Trek. PLUS: Ben Stiller’s Hair: Fact or Fiction?

Download it.


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Mar 29 2009

New “Star Trek” Poster (I Think)


Yes, I am aware that most people know what Star Trek is at this point, but if you cut the title off of Paramount’s latest poster, this thing would look like an ink blot test.  That being said, am I the only one who sees a bunny wearing a silly hat?  Yeah, I thought so.