Happy Monday, guys. Nothing gets your week started quite like a little shot of Evil Dead II as presented by the director himself, a young and impish Sam Raimi. Is it just me or does Raimi look like he’s starring in a Nintendo Power commercial here?
When Logan posted the first trailer, I thought it had potential. But this new trailer adds the one thing that’s guaranteed to get my money: Doctor Who shooting a stake-gun at vampires. You’d be a full not to watch this:
Looks like Warner Bros. plans to make some more of those CG shorts to show before their movies. While I take issue with the fact that they’re only playing in front of kids’ flicks instead of the more general films they played with in the Tunes’ heyday, I think this is pretty cool idea.
What’s doubly interesting, though, is that the shorts will take advantage of some old recordings of cartoon legend Mel Blanc to bring his voice back to some of the characters he originated. I’m on board, depending on how it’s handled. If we’re talking about a full-on Blanc performance cobbled together from songs and lines he recorded in the past, that’s great. But if it’s anything like that creepy hologram of Bob Hope from this year’s Oscars, where they used a sound-a-like to grab lines they didn’t have, I’m a lot less enthused.
Either way though, the man is an often unsung entertainment giant, and it’ll be great to see his name on the big screen where it belongs.
REVIEWED: X-Men: First Class. Maybe pause your aging process at She’s Having a Baby Kevin Bacon. PLUS: We’re planning the 100th episode and we need your help!
Hello, friend! This is a message from Logan and Ryan, or as some of you may know them, Ryan and Logan. They produce a weekly podcast through www.criticalend.com. Remember?
“Wait, what?”
If you don’t know, Critical End! is a show where we review movies and occasionally television shows. We’ve been doing it for awhile now and within the next month or so we’ll be releasing our 100th episode. We know. It’s a pretty big deal. But we need your help to make it happen!
“What kind of help?” you ask incredulously…
It’s easy. For our 100th show we’re going to change it up a bit and review things that are NOT movies or TV shows, and we’d love it if all the things we review were suggested by you. Got a book you think we’d like? We’ll review it. Want our take on your baby? She’s ugly; we’ll do 10 minutes on that at least. Wondering what we think of the abstract concept of “ennui”? We’ll teach Logan to pronounce it and get back to you. As long as your suggestion is not a movie or TV show, we’ll add it to the pile and do our level best to cover it on the 100th episode.
“I don’t have any good suggestions, really…”
We will also accept terrible suggestions.
“Sounds great! Where do I sign?”
Just comment on this post with your suggestion(s), or use our contact form, or get in touch with Logan or Ryan in whatever other way you choose. Just keep in mind that if your suggestion is something that would take awhile to review or involve us going somewhere or making any kind of advance arrangements, you’ll have to let us know soon so we’ll have some lead time.
Thanks for your help! And thanks for listening to Critical End! (If you don’t listen to Critical End! please disregard this thanks.)
I’m not much of a Star Wars fan, but I’ll join the cool kids and tell you that the prequels sucked. I used to blame George Lucas’s increase in creative control and decreased collaboration with more talented filmmakers. Until I learned the truth…
I probably should have posted this on Memorial Day, but if you’re feeling that mid-week slump and need a little inspiration, try this video on for size.
I’ve always wondered if Alan Rickman was truly into the Harry Potter films or just doing it for the check. That’s why it’s great to read this sweet, genuine note he penned for Empire Magazine about his experience with the character and his trio of young costars. I’m betting the cast and crew of Bottle Shock didn’t even get Christmas cards.
REVIEWED: Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl, Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End, Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides. Sorry, but after nine and a half hours of pirate movies, I have no witty comment for this description.
The hijinks of Danny DeVito can't save you now, Arnold.
Damn you, Arnold! I was all excited about your return to film and then you go and retroactively have had an affair, complete with love child. Now the Daily Beast reports that you’re putting your career on hold and that that wonderfully goofy Governator cartoon has been scrapped. I waited for however-many long years you were in office to get another taste of your unique brand of goofy machismo and just when the prize is in sight you decide it’s time to focus on your multiple families.
Look, obviously the Schwarzeneggers are going through a tough time, and I hope they work it out and get through this. But in the meantime, wouldn’t it be healthy for Arnold to lose himself in his work a little? And by his work I mean movies where he’s a violent robot, alien hunter, or undercover spy.
Until then, we’ll have to look elsewhere for over-the-top performances and badly written dialog. Like, say…video games!
…is sadly not online yet. [UPDATE: Yes it is! See below.] But I saw it before Pirates this weekend and I can confirm that it’s got just the tone I was looking for. I’ll update this post with a link as soon as it becomes available (I’m hoping sometime today). Until then, here’s an awesome custom-made theater policy ad that Sesame Street did for Lowes Theatres. Judging by how quiet Ernie and the other Henson characters are, I’d say this was just after his death: